Liquor/Liquid CandyPipes
The Liquor CandyPipe is a new Thermodynamic method of smoking and inhaling.Our Patent Pending CandyPipes are designed to provide a seamless way of mixing liquor/liquid, your favorite smoke and Natural Real Candy Flavor. This Product is the most advanced method of smoking available today. If you want to flavor your smoke with Orange Juice, Apple Juice, water or a mixture of liquids.
You have multiple types of Liquor CandyPipes that you can use to create a myriad way of customizing your smoking and drinking experience. The volume of liquid that is infused into the vapor in a Venturi Tube mixing chamber is fully controlled by you. If you want a larger volume of liquor flavor you simply spray more liquor/liquid into the mixing chamber with a small push of the liquor container. CandyPipes provide limitless ways to inhale!